Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finally going to do this

My main purpose of losing weight is to not only be healthy but for my kids.  I have never taken my kids swimming.  Not because I have not wanted to, I love playing in the water (even though I am terrified of drowning).  It is because I am too insecure about putting a swimming suit on.  Having my cute little babes as done such horrid things to my body with stretch marks on my thighs and stomach and my icky huge belly.  So with doing this I hope to not only have the courage to take my kids swimming but to get out of the dark clothes I am always wearing cause darker clothes hide the fat much better!

Weight- I am going to shoot for 5lbs this week.  I will be using the Michael Thurmond's body makeover program.

Addiction-  I have many that I could give up, but I am going to go small and not try to make a goal that I know I won't keep.  I am going to say only one diet pepsi a day.  I am too addicted to it. 

Water-  I will be drinking per the diet program I am on 100 ounces of water per day.

Habits-  I am not going to over spend this week.  I have a really hard time with over spending.

Parenting-  We are going to turn off the tv and play board games with the kids.

Exercise-  Starting small again, I will try to work out with Lance after the kids go to bed.  I can't do anything too crazy since I smoke :/

Maybe after a couple of weeks of getting used to little to no pepsi I will give up my biggest money hole and get rid of the smoking.  (baby steps)



  1. I feel like I should have shared more now...So what is the body makeover program? Dose it seem easy to fallow with not having to make 2 diffrent meals for everyone?

  2. Thais, call me in the morning and I will tell you about it. However I can tell you now that your kids will not want to eat the food on the plan. :/
