Saturday, February 19, 2011



*Keep in mind these are just my ideas – my rules, with a little help from *google*, so if you have any ideas on what to change up between now and Sunday night at 10:00, let me know. After that, the rules stand, as everyone is to post their goals sometime by Monday at 10:00 p.m.*

Competition runs for eight weeks, from Monday, February 21, 2011 – Monday, April 18, 2011. Competition closes at 10:00 p.m. on the 18th of April, and winners will be announced Tuesday.

You set your OWN goals in each of the following categories, and points are awarded for meeting each of your personal goals. *This is the honor system – you answer only to yourself, and report to us, your sisters, each week!*

I created this out of a sense of ‘whole’ well-being, not only weight loss. We may as well do the best we can to become our best selves in the next little while, right? So without further ado, here we go!!

WEIGHT LOSS/CONTROL - *Set your own goals per week – use an online calculator, doctors advice, or your own common sense about what is healthy to lose each week. It’s generally recommended to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. You can choose which system you will be using. Just let us know, so that you have something to be accountable for. For example, there is weight watchers, counting calories, the Zone diet, Atkins, South Beach, etc. Choose your program, set your calorie limits, etc. and then be ACCOUNTABLE! Keep a diary or journal each day so that you can report to us.*

ADDICTION/LOSE – We all have SOMETHING we can give up (at least I hope I’m not the only one) that will improve our physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. It could come from a myriad of areas – caffeine, computer time, tv time, smoking, etc. So decide what you are willing to give up to better yourself, set your perameters, and let us know! *For example, I have a SEVERE caffeine addiction. I am not willing to give it up entirely right now, but I WILL limit myself to one can a day, if I’ve reached my water-drinking goals* Which moves us on to the next section –

WATER – Take your current weight, divide it in half, and then drink that amount of water in ounces per day. For example, a 150 lb. person would drink 75 ounces of water a day. That is a lot. I’ve been doing this for the last week – and I warn you, if you’re not used to it, be prepared to spend a ridiculous amount of time in the bathroom ;) (Don’t feel like you have to report the amount you drink to us – just tell us that you will, and then report whether or not you have)

HABITS/GAIN – In addition to being physically healthy, I think everyone could stand to be more emotionally/spiritually healthy. This is regardless of whether you are religious, or spiritual. It’s just talking about being across the board a nicer, more ‘glass half full’ type of person. With the guys gone, I think it’s easier to be more ‘glass half empty’, so I submit that if we attempted to do one thing each day that would be out of our comfort zone, we’d be all the better for it. It could be as simple as smiling at a stranger, or giving a sincere compliment. It could mean taking time to read your individual book of scripture, or taking time to meditate. Something that helps you to take time out from the chaos of everyday life and going beyond yourself.

PARENTING (RELATIONSHIPS) Decide on something you can do to improve the relationships with those around you. For example, if you're a parent, set a goal to spend more time with your kids, to focus on being more patient, or making sure they know you love them. Or set a goal for some other relationship in your life -- try to focus on building relationships, and showing other people how much you care for them.

EXERCISE – I would imagine we are all across the board on this one. So these goals are individual as well. You get points for reaching your OWN goal, not comparing to someone else’s. So set a goal for yourself, and strive to reach it every day.

So from my calculations, here’s where we stand.

WEIGHT, ADDICTION, WATER, HABITS, EXERCISE. If we set goals in each of these categories, the overall outcome of the weight loss will not matter so much as reaching the daily goals. Daily goals are much easier to attain than long-term goals, and then the long-term goals tend to ‘reach themselves’. So, if we allow 1 point for each area per day, that’s 6 points per day, 7 days a week, with 42 points available each week.

What I suggest we do is this – everyone who wants to participate will post their goals on Monday by 10:00 p.m. If you want to contribute to the ‘pot’, then there will be a paypal link. It’s $2/week. Don’t be discouraged from participating if you don’t want to contribute – you just won’t be eligible for the winnings. I will add up the points, and post the breakdown on Tuesdays. Please contribute tips/encouragement/recipes through the week to help us all out!! I’ll also do a sidebar for each of you after you’ve posted your tips so that we have your goals posted. I’ll make everyone a contributor, so if you want to go in and update your weight loss % during the course of the competition, please do! Or just post it on Monday in your posting, and I’ll update it.

So that’s my proposal – if anyone has any suggestions or tips – or don’t like the idea at all, let me know by Sunday Evening (just in a comment) and we’ll readjust. Keep in mind that the competition begins Monday, so everyone needs to set their goals over the weekend, and get them posted! Leave your email address in the FB page, and I’ll add you as a contributor. I’ll be locking the blog on Monday so that only contributors are able to access it, so make your decision between now and then. Thanks guys!!

*As an outline, here are my goals*


WEIGHT LOSS – 15 lbs.

I will be doing WW, and allowing myself 22 points a day.

ADDICTION – I will be allowing myself only one caffeinated beverage a day, only IF I have reached my water goals

WATER – I will be drinking 75 ounces a day.

HABITS – I will go out of my way to give one sincere compliment to someone every day.

PARENTING - I will spend more individual time with each of my kids each day, and try to improve my patience.

EXERCISE – My goal is 2 miles a day on my elliptical.


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